Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Preparing how to affix the sconces

    As you may remember I was a little taken aback when the sconces arrived and I examined the back and found no obvious way to mount these at least semi-permanently to the wall. A lot of DIY web surfing didn't come up with anything for this type of construction. I took to a website that offered a free "ask an electrician" feature. After discussing the lighting and showing the electrician some detailed photos he basically admitted to being stumped as referred me to find someone that works with and installs and repairs vintage lighting. I thought, "good luck with finding someone like that" and decided I needed to come up with some unconventional rigging.
     Since this project is only semi-permanent in nature I knew I could fudge this a little. What I came up with? Zip-ties. Yes. You heard me right. So I came up with a method of using them and below you will see the mounting holes I drilled to mount it all.

   The larger hole is for the wiring and the two smaller holes are for the zip-ties exclusively. Because the horizontal brace on the back of the sconce (the only piece resembling mounting hardware) was smooth, I imagined the zip-ties would easily slide. This why I chose two zip-ties to run through the small hole, the brace and back through the larger electrical hole. In addition, I crisscrossed the ties for added stability. In a trial run, I mounted a sconce as below. It held well enough.

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